F1 Security takes care of simulate hacking, vulnerability evaluation, certification consulting such as ISMS/PIMS/ISO27001 and personal information protection/management system consulting etc. and is the expert provider of web security information protection solution development and service such as web firewall, web shell detection, and web malicious code analysis detection etc.
In particular, we design the solution building and the service for 1) ‘F1-WebCastle’, the first ever Korean S/W web firewall, 2) ‘F1-WSFinder’, web shell specific detection solution developed based on the accumulated knowhow of Korean’s malicious code control technology for homepage which is most frequently used, 3) ‘F1-WMDS’, the support solution for web site malicious code release detection and analysis measuring.
According to the market prospect of information protection industry, security solution market is expected to show 8.1% of average annual growth until 2021 and the trend test of Gartner also expects the continuous growth of security market. In particular, the field of application protection related to WMDS, the solution of the company, is expected to occupy the high share as big as 10.7% until 2021.
F1 Security (CEO: Dae-ho Lee) has a plan to expand further to the market of G2B and B2B such as government, public organization, university and shopping mall etc. with web security total solution based on cloud as well as develop and provide information protection consulting and security solution. Besides, it also has a plan to expand the market into China, Japan and Southeast Asia with Korean IT companies. It has the goal to achieve over 4 billion won sale in 2018 through security consulting service and solution provision while applying the technology such as machine learning and block chain etc.
<Partner Day>
We announced each information security solution and shared business information to secure the information sharing between us and our partners with expertise on information protection and further development in this field on Apr. 12, 2018.
Solution 1: WMDS

WMDS (Web Malware Detection System) is the most important security solution to prevent ‘the very dangerous site (i.e.: ransom ware malicious code) with which a user computer can be infected when a user logs on using browser’. F1-WMDS is SaaS type web security service based on cloud to detect the release pattern of website malicious code and support to respond to it, and is considered the optimum security solution having the functions such as (1) multi user support, (2) checking environment setting, (3) periodic repetitive detection and checking agent expandability, (4) malicious code release detection, (5) Code Obfuscation handling etc. (F1-WMDS is provided to many customers including financial institutions such as main banks, securities company, insurer and card company etc. , public institutions, manufacturers and main IT companies) http://www.f1security.co.kr/en/partners.
Solution 2: WebCastle

WebCastle performs detection and blocking for web weak spot attack. It is the web security solution based on Host compared to the other hardware product and is also the web firewall (WAF) optimized to cloud computing and Green-IoT environment. Besides, it is easy to manage and install and provides many functions such as combined control service, real time data search, detailed analytic function related to LOG data, various operation environment support, SSL (Secure Socket Layer) use for safe web communication and it is also optimized to fast response speed to handle traffic.
Solution 3: WSFinder

Web Shell means web script file (asp, php, jsp, cgi) designed in order for an attacker to be able to give an order to web server remotely. WSFinder of F1 Security supports many functions such as pattern detection, file base detection, similarity detection, code obfuscation detection technology and malicious URL detection, and file scan/checking etc. In particular, similarity detection, YARA regular expression detection technology and code obfuscation detection technology are great characteristics of WSFinder.
Please feel free to contact us if you are a foreign IT company or buyer who needs to deal with F1Security Co., Ltd., a professional consulting and security solution development company. Optimal information protection consulting, security solution supply, security consulting, security solution OEM / ODM, overseas investment, overseas partner business are all welcomed.
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TEL : +82-70-4640-3030, E-mail : sales@f1security.co.kr