Often among modern people, especially children and senior citizens, we observe cases where they are exposed to skin diseases due to environmental pollution. In this world, 11 percent of children, and up to 45 percent of senior citizens are suffering from skin diseases. One of the main causes for skin diseases is greasy, fast, high-sugar food (e.g. chocolate) and food additives. Therefore, for all people of this generation exposed to environmental pollution, All-That-Herb provides routinely products that are made from natural herb ingredients extracted from plants and gives lessons to customers so that they themselves can make natural cosmetics and natural soap which they and their families could use at relief.
With our 20 years of career and expertise in the field, All-That-Herb is developing diverse routinely products with talents from Korea, United States and China who have studied for natural plants and pharmacology. Especially, Geumsoon Yoon (CEO of All-That-Herb) acquired graduate degree in Cosmetology and now lectures at colleges as a professor and television as a guest lecture.

Efficacy of Herbs and Aroma Oil
Herbal plants which clear head and calm irritability, serve as an aid for digestion and known to be diuretic, antiseptic; they also have antibacterial effect and also good for overcoming fatigue, preventing aging and caring skin. All-That-Herb extracts pure natural components from herbal plants and develop natural cosmetics, soap, shampoo and air fresheners with a lot of useful functions (which did not at all used preservatives or chemicals) to supply to public. Even more, utilizing essential oil (natural aromatic oil extracted from plants), All-That-Herb is developing natural medicines that will prevent and cure diseases and promote healthy, well-being life.

Studies for Natural Cosmetics, Soap and Other Handmade Products; and Selling of Natural Ingredients
All-That-Herb is providing all kinds of natural products and ingredients made from natural plants: aroma oil, base oil, butter, additives, preservatives, emulsifiers, oriental medicine extracts and base for soaps, pigments and base for cosmetics products. Especially, we focus on educating individuals who are not entirely professional in the field so that they could easily self-make natural products to enjoy their eco-friendly, well-being life.

IAA (International Association of Aromatherapy)
Not contented with that, All-That-Herb established a professional aromatherapy association in Korea which earned authentication from ARC (Aromatherapy Registration Council) in United States, and is running aromatherapy-related classes and nationally accredited examination system. At this point, more than 1,000 students are being benefited from these classes in South Korea. Also, to able the homemakers to have a second job in aromatherapy field, we provide natural plant ingredients and free consulting sessions for those who in demand to open aromatherapy shops.
With our know-hows accumulated, All-That-Herb is looking for some business partners who will be involved in expanding sales of developed products and education system to Korea, United States, China- even Europe, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand and other Asian countries. All-That-Herb’s priority is in B2B trades between companies, and if anyone wishes to buy small amount for individual purposes they will be able to place an order online.
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