Human beings born, get aged, sick and die so called four pains. In fact, we cannot overcome with our willingness.
However, in modern medicine, we actually overcome by health care or cutting-edge medical technology. Especially, Korea’s medical technology is one of top global leaders. Korea is internationally renowned for delicate medical technologies, which made Korea to catch up in 10 to 15 years with America’s medical technologies established for 40 to 50 years.
Since when KNU hospital was established on 10 February 1907, KNU hospital has led the development of clinical research, treatment and medical education, and has been evaluated as the best medical organization which led the development of Korea’s medicine. KNU hospital formed the best treatment system by combining main hospital, Chilgok KNU hospital, pediatric medical center and dental center.
Especially, as a provincial medical organization, KNU hospital goes beyond the level of Korea’s leading hospital based on its research centeredness, and leaps toward global hospital with global competitions.

Kyungpook national university hospital
Mecca of Korea’s Medicine, KNU hospital
KNU hospital is currently managing 21 medical centers, 2100 medical staffs and 900 sickbeds, treating 900,000 outpatients, and featuring brand-new medical devices and professional facilities. KNU consists of Daegu-Kyungpook Provincial Cancer Center, Elderly Public Health Center, KNU Pediatric Medical Center. KNU Pediatric Medical Center, since its opening in September 2013, has prepared obstetrics and delivery rooms, so it can treats comprehensively from new-born, children and teenagers. Pediatric neurology department can cover growth and development of children and panteints with Pediatric Hermato-oncology.
Especially, KNU hospital was selected as an establishment of leading medical organization and marketing support business. It actively works for foreign patients by having business agreement with China’s Meihekoushi Central hospital, and Vietnam’s Hanoi University hospital. As a public medical organization, KNU hospital gives its best the related areas about its R&D task called “building an open research business platform for the development of diagnostic and therapeutic technologies cardiovascular disease". Also, KNU hospital medical staffs ranked number one for the number of SCI papers which can be another index of research ability.
Please contact us by the details below for those who wish to get medical treatment or to cooperate with KNU hospital.
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